Queue management

Without contact, through the Whatsapp ticket system, customers can get their queue tickets by sending a Whatsapp message with a code. This iteraction will return the list of all available services.

After receiving the list of services and their interaction codes via Whatsapp, you just have to choose the desired service and send another message via Whatsapp with the service code you want to access.

ZeroContact - Whatsapp queue management

Service list on
your Smartphone

When sending a message with a code, the user will receive a message via Whatsapp with the list of all available services and their relative interaction codes.
Then, they just have to send another message via Whatsapp with the service code you want to access.

ZeroContact - Whatsapp queue management

Ticket validation
by QR-Code

After choosing the service, the customer will receive via Whatsapp a link referring to the QRCode of the service he has previously chosen.

This ticket can be placed on the waiting list to be called, or be validated by the user, through the QRcode next to a Ticket Dispenser Kiosk.

ZeroContact - Whatsapp queue management

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